Here's how most smart and responsible women who finally feel like they have a handle on the basics of their finances go about deciding how to optimize that money...
They ask friends and family for their tips and knowledge, but find that most of the advice is not applicable to their life or still leaves them wondering where the heck to start.
They sign up for the webinars and coaching groups, then feel frustrated when the end result is a sales pitch that doesn’t answer their questions.
They read all of the personal finance books and listen to all of the podcasts, so they feel like they know what they’re supposed to do, but overthink how to apply it to their personal situation.
Sometimes they run the numbers to see where their money's going or if they’re on track for retirement but get stuck when it’s time to start moving money around . . .
. . . only to realize they're just not sure exactly what that next step should be . . . like should they start a Roth IRA, pay off debt quicker, save for a house or something else? And also, what is that “something else?”
So they end up doing nothing because they don't want to make a mistake they'll regret and keeping things the way they are feels safest.
Eventually they get busy with life stuff and even when though they start making more money, they're still dealing with endless debt and feeling out of control with spending. And I don’t blame them! Figuring out how to set spending and savings intentions and then sticking to them is the Holy Grail of personal finance - endless theories on how to do it, but all seemingly leading to more wasted time and money. And knowing that you could be saving more money toward things like buying a home or taking a year off to travel, yet continuing to see no progress toward those things can be soul-crushing. I've been there. I know.

Having complete clarity on how much you can spend each month while also building up savings and paying off debt?
Knowing exactly where you stand so you can stop questioning whether you can GrubHub dinner or if you should make what's in the fridge work for dinner . . .
Realizing the exciting possibilities in your life that you may have previously thought weren’t what “people like you” could do?
Feeling free of the guilt that keeps you in what feels like an endless cycle of feast or famine with your finances?
Being able to say “YES” with confidence and excitement to getting tickets to the next Taylor Swift tour, no matter how much they cost?
Feeling validated in your knowledge, skills and clarified goals to tune out the noise and stick to your plan . . .
All without fear of losing it all, of having to give up control of your money or feeling paralyzed by all of the options available to you? And without a sales pitch?

Have we met?
Hi! I'm Kelley, and I'm an experienced financial coach on a mission to help smart, responsible women and couples find clarify and confidence with their money. I created The Find Your Financial Bliss™ Coaching Program after making huge changes in my life that I previously only thought “other people” did. I know how it feels to live paycheck to paycheck even though you feel like you've figured out the day-to-day aspects of money. I know the frustration of feeling stuck in analysis paralysis with what comes next - to feel like your life has so much possibility but feel murky on what that actually looks like.
I’ve coached hundreds of people who knew that they were not making the most of their money and their energy, but had no idea where to start or how to make changes. I’ve been there myself.
There was so much holding me back:
Perfectionism as I searched for the best path forward but never finding it because I wasn't sure if it was the "right" one
Scarcity issues that had me impulse spending while also hoarding cash and not spending it on things I REALLY wanted
Identity disconnects that had me blowing my savings and racking up debt
Lack of clarity on who my ideal self really was
Fear of making the wrong decision and having regrets in the future
Guilt over these “first world problems”
Oh, and an entire bag of shoulds, coulds and woulds that kept me stuck in an outdated version of myself.
Then one day I realized that I needed to make some big changes or life was just going to keep happening to me.
I undertook three big initiatives to get myself moving:
I examined myself more objectively - I knew what to do, but why wasn’t I doing it? I committed to walking my talk.
I reflected on my unconscious money habits and mindsets and what money really means to me, then got to work on changing the stories and habits that no longer served me.
I got super clear on my ideal self and how SHE would behave, then I got started on becoming Kelley 2.0.
Within 6 months, I resigned from a job that was no longer in line with my values and eventually moved my family across the country to the home of our dreams – all without compromising our long-term financial health or putting myself at risk of the poverty I felt in my early career days.
I’m not saying you need to quit your job or move to Arizona, but I created Find Your Financial Bliss™ in order to help other smart, responsible women get clear about where they are, get confident about where they want to go and get started on living life on their terms with joy and purpose.

An online
Course with 1x1 Financial Coaching
Clarify where you are, where you really want to go and how to get there without a sales pitch or giving up control of your money.
When you commit to Find Your Financial Bliss™, you'll be joining a group of like-minded women and couples who are looking to shift their relationship with money before working privately with me on the practical aspects of their financial planning. We’ll use my BLISS framework which guides you through the psychological and practical aspects of your personal finances to get you from “Where am I?” to “This is where I’m going.” We’ll personalize the lessons during our 1:1 coaching sessions to make sure you’re super clear on the specifics of your situation.
In this step, we set the groundwork, get to know each other and gather all of the information we’ll need to answer your questions, starting with evaluating your financial well-being both practically and emotionally. This will help us understand where your starting point is, financially and holistically, making it easier for you to identify where you'd like to go next and how I can best support you to get there.

Week 1: BEGIN
Lay the groundwork
During week 1, we set the groundwork, get to know each other and make a plan to navigate the course materials and live meetings together. You'll learn how I blend the concepts of financial therapy and financial planning in order to help you transform your entire financial identity, beyond just dollars in the bank.

Go deep on mindset
This is where you begin to confront and overcome the fears that have kept you in anxiety, analysis paralysis and shame with your finances. Before we create that Blissful Spending plan or draft your Blissful Life goals, we need to work through your money psychology to discover & process what's getting in the way. We'll identify the Money Scripts you've internalized and shine a light on which stories need to be edited for who you are today.
Phase 5:
Week 3:
Be the change
Now that you have more insight into your mindset and the ways you may be getting in your own way, it’s time to talk about how we go about shifting. The purpose of this step is to understand how we change and then drafting Affirmations for Bliss that will accelerate your transformation.

Optimizing your money
As this point we shift to one-on-one work and I put my practical financial planner hat on so we can dig into the how's and why's of personal finance. The work we do in from here on out will be personalized to your specific goals and challenges.
Examples of what we can work on:
Examining your cash flow to find extra money to put toward savings or paying down debt
Creating a plan to accelerate your debt pay-off
Getting start with a retirement savings plan
Automating your finances to ensure your bills are paid, your savings are growing and you can live your life free of money stress
Together we will co-create an actionable Money Optimization Plan and you'll start taking action to push past shame, guilt and fear to take your money to the next level.
How to maintain your momentum
Weeks 5 & 6:

For the last two sessions, we’ll finalize your action plan and prepare to wrap up, unless you opt for a continuation plan. You'll have a clear idea of what to focus on next and I’ll be here to support and encourage you as needed. You will be well on your way to finding your financial bliss!
Are you a
Perfect Fit?

You're a smart responsible woman or couple who makes enough money to pay the bills but you feel like you can't quite get to the next level of feeling financially secure.

You've tried various ways to budget and manage your money, but find it impossible to stick with the maintenance of any tracking systems.

When it comes to debt, you’re able to make all the minimum payments and may even be paying more, but you're ready now to commit to a plan that will pay it all off ASAP.

You seek a framework to follow to get started on optimizing your money that doesn’t include a sales pitch or giving up control of your money.

You wish you could be in a spot where you knew that if you got a wild hair up your *ss and wanted to just say, “What the hell!” that you could, and you wouldn’t regret it forever.
If any of these sound like you, keep reading, because you’re exactly where you need to be.

I’m not a typical CFP®
I walk my talk! I never thought I’d be here, but now that I’ve followed my BLISS Framework, I can confidently say that my financial future is secure.
​I understand that life isn’t linear and that retirement isn’t your only goal in life, so I provide specific guidance around your unique situation to help you feel confident and fully supported.
I have certifications up the wazoo - I’m a CPA, I’m a CFP®, I’m a PFS - but I would never sell you financial products - I’m 100% unbiased.
I actually teach you how the money stuffs works so you can leap past the “jargon barrier” and see how easy it can be.
At my core, I’m an activist. The BLISS framework is accessible to anyone, regardless of net worth and was created to help the helpers who are working to make our world a better place.
I help you overcome your obstacles with honesty and compassion - I operate in a shame-free and judgement-free zone, while holding you accountable to the intentions you set for yourself.
Ready to get started?
Complete the coaching application & then we'll schedule a FREE Introductory Call to see if we are a good fit.

I’ve built education and self-discovery into the curriculum to make sure you feel transformed by our work...
You will receive
One-on-one guidance through the BLISS Framework
10 individual coaching calls spread out over the lessons
Unlimited email support
Regular accountability check-ins
Exercises, worksheets, templates & personalized feedback
A co-created Money Optimization Plan to get you started on your next-level journey.

Ready to Start Finding
Your Finanical Bliss?
Click below to apply and schedule a free Introductory Call with me.
On the call I’ll get to know you, ask some questions about your finances, lifestyle, the journey you’ve been on with money so far, and learn about your values and goals.
At the end of our call, we’ll determine if you’re the perfect fit for the program. If so, I’ll invite you to sign up and we’ll kick off your onboarding to get the pathway started!
If it’s not a good fit, that’s totally okay too. There are no obligations on your end, and we’ll still be great friends! I will suggest something else you can do to achieve your goals and point you in the right direction.
Let’s find your financial bliss™!
Still have questions? Check out my FAQs here.